244 Vineyard Road
Huntington Bay, NY 11743-0873
Office: 631-427-2843
Police: 631-427-2020
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Property Taxes
The Village Property Tax is payable between June 1 and July 1 of every year.
Payments must be made in person, online, or postmarked by July 1, to avoid a
late penalty.
Property Tax Statements (bills) are mailed to property owners and/or tax agencies
mid-May. If you do not receive a tax statement by the end of May please contact
the Village Administrator/Treasurer at Village Hall.
The amount of tax due is based on the assessed value of a property multiplied by
the tax rate.
The annual tax rate is set by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Huntington Bay.
It is determined as a result of the annual budget process. A public budget hearing is
held in April and Village residents are welcome to participate. Once the budget is
adopted, a rate is established which reflects the funds necessary to meet the
planned expenditures for the coming year.
Please read before using our
online payment system:
All payments must be paid in full and exact or your payment will be rejected.
You will be asked to enter your “Property ID” which is the “Item #” that’s located at the top of your bill.
All credit cards are accepted. Service fees apply. Please note: the municipality does not receive any portion of the service fee.
A receipt will be sent to your email address you enter once payment is complete.
Payments may continue to be paid by check or cash without the imposition of a service fee.