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Stormwater Management


The Village of Huntington Bay owns and maintains approximately 4.9 miles of roadway.  The Village roadways are tributary to subsurface leaching basins and catch basins.   These basins serve the dual purpose of flood control and protection of water quality.  If the stormwater system is not properly maintained the capacity of the system to control street flooding will be directly impacted.  In addition the system will not function as a water quality treatment device. Each basin receives first flush runoff from the streets that would ultimately discharge to the Harbor or Bay if the basins are not functional.  










Fertilizer Application Impacts Our Surface Waters


Do not apply Fertilizer between the period of Nov 1 to April 1

Reporting  Illicit Discharges

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination IDDE

Reporting Construction Site Silt Discharges:

Residents are encouraged to report incidences of construction site discharges of silt to Village Drainage Inlets and/or Surface Water. Please contact:  Village of Huntington Bay Administrator, Danielle Catanese, (631)427-2843,  If possible please provide the address of the construction site as part of the report.

2024 Village of Huntington Bay Drainage: Inlet and Outfall Mapping

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