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From: Village of Huntington Bay
Contact: Gail Devol, Village Administrator; Herb Morrow, Mayor
Telephone: 631-427-2843

Village of Huntington Bay, New York, April 9, 2018


Sixth Consecutive Budget - No Tax Increase in Huntington Bay


Huntington Bay Mayor Herb Morrow presented his proposed 2018-2019 budget at the Villages April Board meeting.   The Mayor announced that for the sixth consecutive year, the budget has no increase in taxes for the residents of the Village.


Revenue and Expenses for the fiscal year are projected at $2,040,600 representing a 1 % increase over the prior Budget.  Increased expenses are for NYS Health Insurance and contributions to the NYS Retirement System. Village Police Costs are down. Increased revenues come from an increase in public safety money from Suffolk County and an increase in fees for building permits as a result of a significant increase in activity in the Village. The Mayor also discussed two projects. The first is the implementation of Records Management program which he said needs to be done. The second is a road program which would repave three major roads in the Village and make needed drainage improvements on East Shore Road.  Funding for the road program will be presented in May.  During the meeting the Mayor also said that he expected to end this year on May 31, 2018 with a surplus and a strong cash reserve.


Mayor Morrow stated, “Our Village is very sound financially. Several years ago we began a program that looked at our costs. We never discussed tax caps-which encourage you to raise taxes. We looked for efficiencies in operations, putting money toward things residents care about, and for cuts when appropriate. The results speak for themselves. Our residents have had no change in their taxes for several years from us while they have seen increases in every other line in their tax bill.  Some might say that this is easy because the Village is small.  Just the opposite is true. The opportunities for efficiencies in procedures, management structure and staffing levels that would result in savings and tax reductions are significantly greater in the Town and the County. I’m confident our constituents will be happy with the results of our work this year. “


The Budget was passed unanimously by the Board and takes effect on June 1st.

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